My name is Nacho Mascort and I’m a Technical Search Engine Optimizer (SEO + Development + Data Analysis + Product) doing some cool stuff at Softonic International. I love anything related with Technology, Internet & Growth.

I live in the city of Barcelona, but I work with clients from all over the world, regardless of their location. As long as there’s a website involved, I always like to help.


  • SEO Manager
  • Google Product Expert in Search Console
  • Part-time building side projects
  • Speaker & teacher

Professional Experience


  • Date: Jan 2019 – Present
  • Position: SEO Manager

Grupo Planeta

  • Date: Jul 2017 – Jan 2019
  • Position: SEO Manager
  • Description: Cross-functional responsible for organic traffic acquisition for all group brands

SUMA Thinking Digital

  • Date: Jan 2017 – Jul 2017
  • Position: SEO Manager
  • Description: Head of marketing department with a strong focus on organic growth strategies.


  • Date: Aug 2015 – Jan 2017
  • Position: Project Director
  • Description: Project director and specialization in generating growth strategies for Organic and Paid Search channels.

SEO Coaching

  • Date: Jun 2014 – Aug 2015
  • Position: SEO & SEM Specialist
  • Description: Specialist in Organic and Paid Search channels.

Side projects

External Publications / Interviews / Mentions

Teaching Experience

UPF - Pompeu Fabra University

Teacher of the Master’s Degree in Search Engines, teaching the “Link Spam” and “Authority Metrics” classes.

Webpositer Academy

Teacher of the SEO Master’s Degree, teaching the “Search Console” class.

BigSEO Academy

Teacher of the SEO Master’s Degree, teaching “web migbrations” & “log analysis”.


Teacher of the online course platform Wontalia. Some of the courses I have taught include “Creating a Scraper in Python”, “Google Tag Manager”, and “Web Migrations”, among others.

Dispara tus visitas

SEO and monetization course created by Dean Romero. Module 6 member, my class is called “Dissecting the Google Quality Raters’ Guide”.


You can find all the presentations I have given and others that I follow on my Slideshare.

Clinic SEO 2019

Speaker at the December 2019 edition of Clinic SEO.

SEOntheBeach 2019

Speaker at the 2019 edition of SEOntheBeach.

Ensalada SEO 2018

Speaker at the 2018 edition of Ensalada SEO.


Speaker at the 2018 edition of SEOPLUS, member of the Grey Hat team.


  • First to complete the “Spider” challenge on created by IKAUE (Iñaki Huerta)
  • Completed level 1 and level 2 of